Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Sunday Sunday

This is what the house looks like all day Sunday when friends are visiting during football season. Football, football, football and since we are all in the same fantasy football league (my first year - it's shockingly fun) there was a lot of time spent talking about football. It was all fine and good and lazy and fun for the grown-ups. However, guess who doesn't like watching/talking about football all day long? 4 and 5 year olds! Hmm... so I hopped up got out the Playdough, ran an errand with Mr. T, set up another art project, and made homemade spaghetti sauce. Miss E made up a guessing game where she would get something from her room, make up three clues and then have us guess what it was. All the guys were extremely good sports about this of course. Mr. T occupied himself by using these three guys as his own personal jungle gym. Up the legs, over the shoulders, standing on the laps. It ended up being OK for the kiddos and I got to watch snippets of the game while I was entertaining them and cooking which is all fine and good. I don't really like sitting all day anyway. Even for football. And, playdough is awesome.

1 comment:

  1. and on another Sunday, when football is over--you could have a chick flick fest--Peter could cook 'n do the kid's 'n run the errands... hey hey! I'm sure you've some galpals who'd go for that, maybe? I'm glad you all get the most out of life--you surely do and it's just terrific!
