Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tired puppy

This is what Ginger looks like after we go for a jog. Then she sleeps for about 8 hours.

This morning was the first time both the kids were in school and Peter was at work. I had three hours to myself and it was overwhelming. What should I do? Laundry, jog, coffee shop, clean????? The options were endless - I was alone! Fortunately, I have wonderful friends and one of them asked if I wanted to hang out thus taking the crippling indecision away. So I ended up taking Ginger for a run, taking the fastest shower ever and meeting a friend and her son at the mall. And it felt good, even more so because I knew both Mr. T and Miss E were doing something they loved as well. So far this year, the kids and I are loving the new schedule.

Side note- when I picked up Miss E at kindergarten after-care, her teacher told me she was a "joy to have in class". Now that is something I will never get tired of hearing.

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