Sunday, January 30, 2011

Over the Wall

Dear Weekend,

Uncle. I cry uncle. I've had enough, you have won, I'm sorry I tried to be super mom and home-owner. As if the overflowing toilet (thank you 1920's pipes) and accompanying 3 extra loads of laundry and bathroom bleach down, and all the extra work this paint project is taking due to the condition of the wall wasn't enough, you have to throw in an extra cranky 6 year old and an overflowing WASHING MACHINE? What the heck? Please show a little more mercy in the future.

Love, Sarah

This morning I had to get the kids out of the house since they were so great yesterday while I was painting. We ended up going to the climbing gym where Mr. T went over the top of the wall for the very first time! He was so proud of himself. He slid down the slide (how the kiddos get down) bounced over to me and said "let's do it again!". This kid was TERRIFIED the first  few times we went bouldering but today, he did it. Miss E kept doing the harder routes and was freaking me out a bit as she would get to the top of the wall and then cling with just her fingertips to the edge to pull herself up. Nobody fell though and she is almost ready to do the route with the overhang on it. Aftward we headed to VooDoo to get a celebratory box of doughnuts. I was so freaking proud of Mr. T! He was so brave. And Miss E, the kind soul she is, encouraged him, offered to climb next to him, waited for him at the top and congratulated him when he made it to the top. This (the climbing and treats) was the very very best part of the day. And it was good, the kind of thing that makes a mother's heart beam.

Surrounding that, I woke up with a migraine this morning. I had a few errands to run and the kiddos didn't want to. This all threw me off enough that I forgot my camera at the climbing gym. That's how I knew I really wasn't feeling well - it's not like me at all to forget my camera! After we got home from the gym, it was rest time and I lay down for about an hour to see if my headache would go away. During this time Mr. T came into my room and very sweetly whispered "Mommy? I looked out of my door and saw there was a huge pile of soap on the floor in front of the washing machine". I almost had to laugh at the cuteness and absurdity of it all. What a sweet kiddo. He kept excitedly jumping around as I cleaned it and fixed the machine saying "it was good that I told you huh? This is a BIG problem".

Well, there it is. Another weekend of single parenting ends. This one of was rougher than most, simply because it has become so easy to care for the kids by myself. It used to be that every weekend Peter worked was "rough" now things are pretty much easy peasy when he is gone. This weekend just slapped me on the ass and let me know not to get too complacent.

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