Sunday, May 1, 2011

Looking for Bugs

Peter was home today, the sun was out and we just enjoyed hanging out together. I packed a bit, Peter cleaned off the deck, I worked in the yard and the kids played in the yard. Miss E spent a lot of time looking for bugs for her "TV show" (I'm not sure what that is) and Mr. T rescued worms. The rescuing of the worms involved digging in the dirt until he found one, yelling for Miss E to come help him and then "rescuing" the worm by relocating it to another spot. I'm not sure how much those worms really needed the rescue, but the kids were having fun.

This was our last day with all four of us before I leave and as we headed out for frozen yogurt after dinner, a knot settled into the pit of my stomach. Before I leave for a big trip I always have anxiety. The fact that this one involves a LONG plane ride and a long time being away from my kiddos is exacerbating it. Once I am there, things will be great. It's just the getting there that is hard now.

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