Friday, January 7, 2011

Arrival at Odell

Miss E came home on the but this afternoon, we all piled into the car to pick up Mr. T from school and then embarked on the 4 hour drive to Odell Lake for a weekend of playing in the snow. When we got to his school, his teacher (Teacher Kayla- he loves her) told me that he was so excited that he proudly told her he was saving some of his snack to eat in the car on the way to the snowy woods. I love that kid. He is all heart. Really, he is.

The kids were SO EXCITED about the snow and kept asking when we would see it by the side of the road. However, it was only about 10 minutes before we got there that we started seeing it so for the other 3 hours and 45 minutes, we let the kids watch DVD's in the car. And thank goodness we bought those things! I resisted the double DVD player for a long time and we, as a rule, only use them for car rides longer than 2 hours (so not when we head down to Eugene) but for those longer rides, they are a blessing. The kids have their headphones on, Peter and I can talk or listen to music. Lovely for all of us.

Tonight we all made it to the cabins around 4 and immediately the kids wanted their snow clothes. At the place we stayed you park at the lodge and they give you a sled to haul your stuff up to your cabin with. This is a bit of a pain but the reward is no cars up by the cabins so the kids are free to play and sled and run all they like without having to watch for cars. Ginger was also able to run around the place off leash, cavorting with about 4 other dogs who were up there. By the time Peter hauled our stuff up, I had the kids changed, the cousins were there and they all played outside in the snow in the dark for an hour. An hour! In the dark. I love kids.

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