Is it bad that this outfit makes me think of Big Love?
The kiddos and I went to the
World Forestry Center today for our first day of Spring Break. This is one of my favorite museums in Portland because it's almost never crowded but there are still enough fun activities to keep the kids interested. Mr. T rode in the white water raft exhibit for about 30 minutes straight. Miss E, who is now old enough to read some of the display labels, and I had a great time learning about different kinds of wood and forests. This polar bear exhibit was pretty awesome and definitely my favorite of the day. The pictures were incredible and it was accessible for the kids to look at and learn. Miss E, of course, was fixated on the one with blood on his fur as he was eating a whale carcass. The kids are all about blood and poop. That pretty much sums up 4 and 6.
This 48 was as awesome as the last one was terrible. We were all happy as we sat down to dinner tonight, chatting about the museum and their upcoming trip to their Grandma and Grandpa's house.
and this grandma 'n grandpa were here around their table happily excited and talking about their trip here, toooooooo! <3